Absolutely Emotional
Cinder & Ella is a great Happily Ever After book. But you know what, honestly even if it didn't have the struggles of young love, it still would have been an amazing book. Take out the sweet cute Cinderella story aspect (which was done really great) and you have this story that breaks your heart and builds you back.
Short and sweet version... Ella was a normal girl who lost everything. She didn't even have herself anymore, she was alone and her body was walking physical torture. She gets back into school and then begins the verbal torture. It's a but how she grows from rock bottom and works through all the ups and downs. A new family, loneliness, all that. She breaks down a few times and you feel for her. If you put yourself in her place you feel the anger, the sadness, the utter despair with her.
Moving on to the love story aspect, this was done really good. He wasn't the typical movie star boy that was just bleh. . . He had goals for himself, and his own storyline that ran with Ellis obviously. But what got me is he GREW as a character. He went from a teen heartthrob who did as he was told and changed to be the man in command.
I would recommend this book for sure. For a teen and up. What pulled me was what the story was gonna be about, and this beautiful unique cover. Yes, the cover got me. It didn't feel like the typical copycat covers you see everywhere. This book is in fact, currently a Kindle Unlimited read! So if you have Kindle Unlimited you need to totally check this out!
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