Finally, my little family seems to have gotten into a routine. We moved from the "Keystone State" recently which had its ups and downs. For example, my family hated it, because I had to leave their area. My husband and I have moved an eight-hour drive away from them. It sucks definitely and I do sympathize. However, with my dad making me move constantly growing up, I don't feel as upset. I feel bad that my kids won't have the closeness that I see my cousins have with my grandparents. I feel bad for the loss of them being around when I need them. But they are not gone completely.
I think about me and being so far away from family that I don't even know anything about my cousins, and I totally get it. See, my dad was in the Navy. Yes, we did move a lot, not as much as some but just enough to make my teenage years hell. And my relocation from duty station to station didn't stop there no. My husband had joined the Marine Corps and right after I was finally on my own from my parents relocating here and there, then it continued. So basically my whole life up til my mid 20's was moving around leaving people behind, and trying to beat the pain and sadness from losing everything you had built for "X" amount of years. So when I say finally, I don't mean finally forever. Nope, because I know that things are going to change soon enough, and to not be comfortable just yet.
We got to North Carolina not too long ago. The kids are settling in really well, especially with seeing two of their uncles and grandmother every day. I am still getting use to trying to cook for three more people on top of our little family of four. I cook because I feel like I am contributing. Living here with them is working out really well and actually better than I thought. We are starting to save up money, and have even paid off some debt. OH SNAP! I swear it's like each time a bill disappears, it feels like a 10 lb weight is lifted off my chest. We are still having some issues with health insurance but his previous job is all to blame for that. Fun times... But we have all the address changes, the license, some doctors for me because I had some issues right after we moved down here, and even the car stuff has been taken care of.
Currently, I am spending everyday half in shock at how rotten my own kids have gotten. I have tried so many methods and it seems like it just makes it worse for each thing. Here's to hoping they grow out of it. I have gotten back into reading because let's face it, I've been a little busy. I had to pack a house, and unpack just enough to be able to live out of. I had missed reading because it helps me mentally get away and not have mommy breakdowns. Yep, laying it out there. So I'm getting to put a dent into some of my collection here. So if you read this ( my maybe one day reader ) make a note to keep an eye for more book reviews. Ha!
My husband is no longer in training for his new job and now actually on his set schedule for what his working is going to be looking like. That is nights from 6 pm to 6 am. The plus side is that he only works Friday to Sunday. For him it sounds like a great opportunity to work for, an amazing company setting, and good pay with overtime if he wants it. Here come Holidays, Here come Holidays, right after that raise.... that came out like jingle bells in my head.
So finally it feels like since I got pregnant with my daughter that things are starting to come together. The pieces are falling into place like someone who isn't me is doing this life puzzle. I guess you could say my husband is doing this life puzzle... Since I just stay at home with the kids.
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